Prayer Requests

Please pray with us for the following prayer requests. You can add your own praise or prayer request by clicking on the "Add Prayer Request" button.

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Please pray for the following request:

From Katie on 7/3/2022 -
Myself strengthening my son Gabriel and family presence of God. Prayer is everything. My oldest son Gordy and family. Gordon Sr , God knows our needs.

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 1 time.

From finn on 5/7/2022 -
Can you pray for me once? I know God will hear and answer. cleanse me of my hidden faults and keep me from deliberate sins. in Jesus name.

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 0 times.

From Tiffanie on 3/28/2022 -
Hello my daughter Kay'asia Yvette Loftis is in need of prayer. She's extremely ill, she can't eat, sleep & is in a cold shower throughout the day & night. She gets nauseated & sometimes vomit even if it's just dry. She's crying from pain, mental and physical exhausting. The doctors can't figure it out, I ask for guidance for them, clarification & wisdom. God leads them to the cause of this horrible illness. I'm asking for the Elders of the Church to please come to our home and lay hands on her.

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 0 times.

From Robert on 3/6/2022 -
Please pray for Hadiyah i'm carrying things God never intended and I'm just really overwhelmed and scared.

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 1 time.

From Patti on 3/1/2022 -
Can you please pray for my sister-in-law Tammie? She has brain cancer and started chemo & radiation on February 7. Even with the treatments, she has just a 20% chance of recovery and a 25% chance of stroke during treatment. Tammie is a Christian & she loves the Lord! Thank you so much for your prayers!

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 1 time.

From Lorraine on 1/30/2022 -
Asking & Thanking God to heal arthritis all over my back. I am in pain when I walk. Lead me to arthritis doctor that will help me.

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 1 time.

From Lorraine on 1/30/2022 -
Asking & Thanking God to heal arthritis all over my back. I am in pain when I walk. Lead me to arthritis doctor that will help me.

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 1 time.

From Phil on 12/29/2021 -
Please pray for my mom Lorraine�s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine�s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired.

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 1 time.

From Phil on 11/29/2021 -
Please pray for my mom Lorraine�s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine�s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired.

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 1 time.

From a on 10/31/2021 -
Please, pray for Jason and his family's salvation. Jason doesn't believe God exists nor that belief in Jesus is needed. Also, pray for me to follow God's direction. Thank you!

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 1 time.

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